
Friday, October 28, 2016

Math Links for Week Ending Oct. 28th, 2016

We've bee doing a lot of work with iPads in math at our board lately. We still have a long way to go to in making them work the best for students. But it is always helpful to get ideas of apps that are useful. Thanks to @MrSurti, here is a list of 60 apps to use in the math class from K-12.
Curriculum Tags: All
I have been doing some work on MHF4U this week and creating some Desmos Activities. This is the first, it is a card sort that students would do after being introduced to rational functions corresponding to linear and quadratic functions.
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

I like this activity from @AndrewStadel on angle relationships of transversals and parallel lines. I have one looking at the similar relationships but using a GSP websketch instead.
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

One more from Desmos. This time from @ddmeyer and the rest of the team showing off some of the features that are only available to them. Those tools that react to what you've done (in the graphs and typing) are slick. This time they are about scale diagrams. So if you are doing anything with ratios then this might be a nice little activity.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MFM1P

I like this new hashtag #SmudgedMath from @pgliljedahl. The idea is that math problems are shown with some things "smudged out" with a question like this one "Can this set of equations have a solution?". Try some on your own or start with some of his.
Curriculum Tags: All

In the new book "Weapons of Math Destructions" @mathbabedotorg looks at the good and the bad of how algorithms affect our lives (it seems the book is about mostly the bad). Listen to this interview with her where she talks about some of the examples. Listen at the link below.
Curriculum Tags: All

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Desmos activities can now have MC questions in them. So there's that
Curriculum Tags: All

Connections between the geometry of simple shapes and movies. Thanks to @GeometryMatters for this one
Curriculum Tags: All

Interesting problem from @GeometryMatters. Set your strong math kids on this one
Curriculum Tags: All

I have been playing around a bit with animated gifs. I'm still figuring out how to get the quality better but here is a couple I did this week. One is on rotations of points and the other is on reflections.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Friday, October 21, 2016

Math Links for Week Ending Oct. 21, 2016

This sketch actually has been rattling in my head for a while and it took several versions to get to this state. But it is for kids to practice translating points. There are three stages, the first just let's students drag points to match the translation (which is probably even good for grade 6 students), then they have to type in the coordinates for the translations. Those two then will generate an infinite number of translations for students to do. The last sketch is an open sketch where students can create their own problem and solve it. The intent is that I will eventually have a series of sketches covering rotations, reflections and transformations. You can get both the websketch (which doesn't need any special software) or the original GSP sketch.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Any time you can trick kids into doing math problems by hiding a "worksheet", I think it's a good thing. And if you have someone who builds an activity and shares it out, even better. Here @theShaunCarter has created a game to help students practice finding the zeros of quadratics. The downloads are there so you can create your own set of cards. Note that depending on what course you are taking, you might have to pitch some cards. I like the fact that the game encourages factoring by having the game be: giving an x value and students checking if their expression equals zero (so having a factored expression is most efficient). And as an added bonus, he generated this cool tool to generate the x value they have to use.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MFM2P, MCR3U, MCF3M, MBF3C

I like when you can take a statistical concept that often students only (usually) ever see as abstract and make it visual. Here @samjshah uses Geogebra to visualize the effects of changing data on the sum of the squares and the standard deviation of a small data set. Nicely done.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U, MAP4C

Here's a comparison of North American teaching styles versus Japanese styles. The premiss is that in Japan they have much better success by focussing on problem solving while we focus on just getting answers and memorizing algorithms. I tend to agree with this notion. I think it's a good read but it reminded me of this video from Phil Daro (which I know I have shared more than once here.
Curriculum Tags: All
Phil Daro - Against "Answer-Getting" from SERP MEDIA on Vimeo.

This could be a totally fun thing to do with just about any group of kids (provided you have enough pencils.
Curriculum Tags: All

I'm not sure how I missed this during the Olympics but I love this representation of every medal winner of the 100m in the modern olympics. Super for linear scatter plots. Check the site out for more cool visualizations of this data.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P, MDM4U, MAP4C

Here is a great way to incorporate poetry into your math class. How about a Fibonacci poem.
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, October 14, 2016

Math Links for Week Ending Oct. 14th, 2016

I am a huge fan of @AlexOverwijk's deep lesson analysis. His crew at Glebe Collegiate clearly work together well. In this 5 day lesson they start with scavenged bike rims and start with circles and end with trig. He's got all the details in the post, do not miss it.
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

I really like this adaptation of @iisanumber's by @SamJShah. The premiss is that students critique other student's work. One thing I like is that practice of students writing two positive things on the front of the post it and some things to work on on the back. This could easily be adapted for any topic or grade level. Check out both posts below.
Curriculum Tags: All

This is old but damn I love a good extreme sports stunt to reveal some parabolic mathematics
Curriculum Tags: MFM2P, MPM2D, MBF3C, MCR3U, MCF3M

And the strobe image of the above video
Curriculum Tags: MFM2P, MPM2D, MBF3C, MCR3U, MCF3M

Math and Knitting? Why not? Some pretty cool stuff here. Thanks to @AlexBellos for pointing these out.
Curriculum Tags: All

These show up on Facebook all the time with the tag line "only for geniuses". I like this one though because it is almost entirely symbolic.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P
I like problems like this. Ones that at first glance seem like they might require some complicated math to solve but with some good problem solving and spatial reasoning, it's totally solvable. I think you could probably give this to students in just about any grade and someone could solve it.
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, October 7, 2016

Math Links for Week Ending Oct. 7th, 2016

 Flipping Bottles!! The summer's fad was Pokemon Go! and now it seems to be flipping bottles. First @ddmeyer has a false start with a 3Act task attempt but then bails on it and asks for suggestions on how to make a useful math task out of it. In the comments, the best suggestions (IMHO) were those that were about experimenting with the bottle fill level and success rate. And then he comes back with the data to show that's the way to go. Then @MrOrr_Geek takes a similar tack and has his students starting with guesses as to the optimum bottle level and eventually get to using volume and rates to predict the number of successes given a certain amount of bottle flipping time. He makes a game of it and the kids are flipping out.
Curriculum Tags: MFM1P, MPM1D, MDM4U, MAP4C

The folks at @desmos have been hard at work adding layers to their activities and teasing some of them out on the Twitters. They've just released one of these activities. In Ontario we don't do much with inequalities (a little in MHF4U) but this is a really nice little way to get kids to understand the idea behind the in a game like format.
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

There is never enough work that we can do with rates with students. In this post @robertkaplinsky combines buying in bulk and coupons to have student working out the deal that they think is the best with these carrots.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8 MPM1D, MFM1P

@mathycathy keeps pushing out the Desmos activities. This time by combining a Which One Doesn't Belong and a Card Sort in dealing with linear equations. I like the fact that these are not very long and would be used to look at a very precise thing then letting you, presumably, move on.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P

I like hands on activities for students to do when they are learning a new concept and in grade 10 students are supposed to explore the development of trig ratios. So the place to start is with similar triangles. In this activity @Wheeler_Laura does some hands on coupled with some Pear Deck work. Check out all the downloads on her post.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MFM2P

 Giving students the means to do better in math can be elusive. So it means we may need to try different things. In this case, it's by teaching kids empathy
Curriculum Tags: All
OK, so I know this isn't a video but it's a podcast on collection of data on bears in the wild. I thought it was interesting how the mechanics are all done and how the data is used. Listen here
Curriculum Tags: MBF3C, MDM4U, MAP4C

When you are looking at data it's always good to show students stuff that might be interesting to them and stuff that might be analyzed in an interesting way. At Five Thirty Eight they often analyze Movie data by groupings. In this case, the four types of Marky Mark films
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U, MAP4C