
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 26th, 2019

Featured Links
Who doesn't want to have their very own Personal Polynomial?
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

Resource Links
If you subscribe to the Thinking Classroom then you know the importance of creating visibly random groupings of students. That is, putting students in groups where they can clearly see that it is a random selection and not by any sort of criteria. So @sig225 has created some Excel Templates to help you put your students into these random groups relatively quickly
Curriculum Tags: All

I've been playing with pattern blocks lately and I love all the new updates to the I particularly like how you can save your files and then have students upload them as starting places.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

I really don't know what to do with this yet but I can't ignore a set of data about where every reported location of human feces in San Fransisco. I'l figure something out. But here, take a look and interact
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
Who knew that you could vote quadratically?
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MFM2P, MCR3U, MCF3M, MBF3C
Video Links
When I was at NCTM, I went to @DanAndersod on creating graphing art and it was great. But recently he had got a new plotter and had his students code it to create some art. Make sure to click through to the thread in the link to see all the examples
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MHF4U
Image Links
I have been having so much fun with my new 21st Century Pattern blocks.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8
Need some data on favourite holidays?
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MDM4U

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 19th, 2019

Featured Links
Having a repertoire of good questions to ask students while interacting with them, while their are problem solving, sense making and all other mathematical thinking endeavours is super important. So it's @TracyZager to the rescue with this awesome resource of questions.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
Thanks to @ddmeyer now you have a resource with all the handouts and links from NCTM2019. He scraped the web and put them in one easy to find place. And if you want, you can even download the whole 2+Gb resource.
Curriculum Tags: All

Now that @Desmos has Collections, people are starting to share their collections. Here's one from @Mr_Stadel that includes all his puzzle activities.
Curriculum Tags: All

Here's a simple activity on transforming radical functions
Curriculum Tags: MCF3M, MCR3U

Here's a simple idea to have your students investigate properties of quadratic relations. Look at the "reverse" relationship
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MCF3M, MCR3U
I blogged about this site the first time in 2014. You basically start with two points and create either a circle or a line segment. You then have several geometric challenges to complete in the fewest moves. Thanks to @MathTeachScholl for reminding me of this. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
Need a bar graph and want to include probability? Here's an idea
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Some linear humor for you
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM2P

I just purchased a new set of 21st Century Pattern Blocks from @trianglemancsd's site Talking Math with your Kids. They are totally fun and they work with regular pattern blocks too.
Curriculum Tags:All
And now the Hexagons
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, April 12, 2019

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 12th, 2019

Featured Links
Seriously, ths Desmos sketch is awesome. Click on the link in the Tweet if you want to see the inner workings
Curriculum Tags:MHF4U, MCV4U
Resource Links
Looking for some resources on Rich Tasks? The @MathforLove has your back. He's got a lot of new resources on his new site on the importance of rich tasks. There are videos and free lessons. Take a look.
Curriculum Tags: All

Opinion Links
A reminder that much of what we do in school does not relate to real life.
Curriculum Tags: All
Article Links
I think this is a good article from @FiveThirtyEight about how they treat probabilities. A good read for any senior class.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Video Links
A new one from @mathisvisual on visualizing solving one step equations. Follow the link to get the descriptions of all the steps.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7

Last week I was in San Diego for NCTM and while there I got around the city riding these electric scooters that were literally sprinkled all over the city. Well @MrOrr_Geek and @mathletepearce made a little mini 3 act task dealing with them
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

Image Links
A super fun Venn Diagram for you
Curriculum Tags: All
A new one from @GHSMaths
Curriculum Tags:All

A couple of new ones from @MonaChalabi on the effect of skin colour on school suspensions
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Do you know what colorism is? It’s the kitchen staff who are darker than the people out front waiting tables. It’s my family members hoping their kids will be light-skinned. And it’s here, in the US school system. Using data from The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, US sociologists found a clear correlation between how dark a student’s skin is and the probability that they would be suspended. I found this part of the study important: “The disadvantage for darker-skinned young men derives from their link to a disfavored group (criminals) in an analogous way that the disadvantage for young women does (unfeminine and unattractive).” The researchers note that there’s a lot of discretion when it comes to how the school system punishes small offenses (like talking loudly) and darker skinned pupils suffer disproportionately. They note that future research should look at Hispanic communities too (I would add all poc communities to that list!) Source: Lance Hannon et al, Race and Social Problems, 2013 The Guardian has a special series all this week on colorism edited by Dream McClinton that I highly recommend!
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And the other one on the effect of skin colour on average hourly wages.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 5th, 2019

Featured Links
I am at NCTM this week in San Diego so I think just about everything will be NCTM-centric and so that's why this is a day late. First up, I presented a session called "Data Looks Pretty Good" which was all about interesting data sets that you can look at and/or analyze (using Desmos or CODAP). The slideshow is full to the brim with data sets and extra links enough to keep anyone busy.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U, MBF3C, MAP4C
Resource Links
Two brand new Desmos features for Activity Builder. First, now you can upload live pictures of student work (eg. that they are doing at their desk on paper) and upload it to your teacher dashboard. Basically what happens is that while  you are in Snapshots you can click a button to email you a special link that will let you upload photos from your phone. Secondly, we can finally organize our favourite activities by creating a Collection. You can create as many collections as you want and add any activity to more than one collection.
Curriculum Tags: All
There was a lot of sessions discussing ideas around equity and one that I saw was from @LBmathemagician. She spoke about (de)tracking students and I think her talk can be best summed up by @RobertKaplinski's tweet.
Curriculum Tags: All

I didn't get to this session from @IanKerr_math, @McCormick_Math, and @rweychert but thanks to @Approx_Normal I found out about it. Check out her Twitter thread. Just the hearing about the new (to me) sports stats sites was good enough (Swish 2.0, Spotrac & Statsbomb - plus one that I recently found out about and mentioned in my above talk, Baseball Savant). Make sure you follow the whole thread.
Curriculum Tags: MBF3C, MAP4C, MDM4U

So I have always admired @Dandersod's site from afar thinking that I couldn't do those things but I went to his session and low and behold, it's not that hard. You can try the Desmos activity here and see for yourself and check the link below for all the other resources.
Curriculum Tags: All

I saw @mathgarden's session about his and @cbrownLmath new book Math Recess. It's their view that we have to do more playing with math and the book is full of examples how. And as an added bonus, I got a mention in the book because I like to use the word "tinker" with math. Check it out.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
I was just blown away by the short session by Stephen Clower (who is blind) and @shapeoperator about how Desmos is helping the visually impaired. Watch and listen to the video below to see how.
Curriculum Tags: All
I really loved @MathButler and @MrsNewell22's session on Desmos geometry. Lots of great ideas and simple tweaks to what you're already doing.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P
Image Links
Some great ideas from @saravdwerf
Curriculum Tags: All

I realize this is just a picture but I hope you can get the gist of it. To practice dilations you just need two rubber bands.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Check out these two slides from @mathematize4all about students with dyslexia and dyscalculia. The stories from @dylanmlynn and @gelada of how they overcame their LD issues to become awesome mathematicians were great.
Curriculum Tags: All

Here's a great strategy from @Mr_Stadel to help get kids talking
Curriculum Tags: All

It was great to meet @MrsNewell22 and hear about her #MathGals shirts. You should totally get one (or four). The proceeds are all donated so it's totally worthwhile
Curriculum Tags: All

Some math related pictures I took while at NCTM:
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

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