
Friday, April 24, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 24th, 2020

Featured Links
Hey, it's public knowledge now. Everyone knows that OAME 2020 was cancelled but what you don't know is that behind the scenes we've been working diligently to bring you a smaller version in the online setting. To that end we bring you OAME 2020 Virtual featuring 30 live sessions and over 20 pre recorded sessions on May 6-9th. When you register you will be registering for the conference but not picking sessions. We will just be sending you links each day for the day's sessions. The conference is free to all but the recordings (both live and pre recorded) will only be open to the public until the following Monday. Check out the full program and get registration details at the link below
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
Are you looking for some random generators, then grab a screen from @EliLuberoff's @Desmos activity. You have spinners and dice in various forms. Just grab the screen and go with your own activities.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
Though it might be true, I wonder if the perimeter stays constant. I'm thinking the metal might stretch. It looks cool though.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P
So cool looking but I think some of those gears are stretching
Curriculum Tags: All
I did a panel discussion this week and talk about some math related and other tools for online teaching but really I think the cool part of this was talking to @watnunu talking about her experiences currently teaching in China. And if you want, here's the slide deck
Curriculum Tags: All

It looks like @3Blue1Brown is jumping into the online teaching game and one thing I liked about this was the answer to the question "When will I ever use this?" - "The movie Coco probably used the quadratic formula over a trillion times"
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MCR3U

Image Links
Some Covid-19 humour here. Thanks to @rinahyland for pointing this one out
Curriculum Tags:All
A few more from @DonFraser9
Curriculum Tags:All

Friday, April 17, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 17th, 2020

Featured Links
I have created a new page on this blog to highlight resources that focus specifically on two things:

  1. matching Ontario Curriculum and
  2. have ways to connect teachers to students

The three main things that fit these criteria are @ExploreLearning, @KnowledgeHook and I have organized over 40 pages of @Desmos activities to match the overall expectations for most of the grade 7-12 courses. And as an added bonus we have curriculum matched resources from @uWaterloo_CEMC and @PrepAnywhere
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
Here's another fun story full of memes from @JoelBezaire. This time with Pascal's Triangle. Don't forget to check the comments for the link to the teacher file.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
Some more self checking vector equations activities from @Christophe_Sew. All in one collection
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U

I know there is a lot of @Desmos this week but for those of you who want to take your skills to the next level, then check out this collection of  Intro to CL activities from @Jocedage.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
Some fun three dimensional geometry
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P
Nice dynamic tessellation
Curriculum Tags: Gr7
Nice dynamic optical illusion
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

Image Links
A whole bunch from @DonFraser9. I almost didn't get the magic square one
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, April 10, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 10th, 2020

Featured Links
There seems to be a lot of stress about how to assess students in these online times. With kids already being stressed about school work I'm not sure if stressing them about assessment is helping. However, we still have to figure out a way to do it. Well @JRuelbach has been the @Desmos spokesmodel for assessment for years and she's got some ideas for you whether it's this new Tweet about using the comment feature while allowing students to annotate their own work or her one hour Desmos session on assessment in general.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
I love this "story" that @JoelBezaire created about why Root 2 is an irrational number. It's ultimately a walk through but he keeps it light and entertaining. You should take a look at this, if only to see all the work he did getting the memes into it.
Curriculum Tags: All

Another new Feature on Desmos is one that we've been asking for for a while. That is, the ability to do some sharing between teachers. In this case, it's the ability to share dashboards between teachers. I think, given all this online learning, this would allow teachers to team teach during an online session.
Curriculum Tags: All

Finding good resources for working with vectors is sometimes tough. In this activity @Christophe_Sew give's students lot's of self checking practice with vector equations.
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U

Could the stairway in this house be exponential? Take out your favourite modelling software and find out.
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MCF3M, MCT4C

Opinion Links
Sometimes knowing math isn't enough to talk the math of our current situation.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
Now that we are all online, you may want an easy way to show students math work in real time and specifically where you are almost like you are working on the same whiteboard together as if you are in class. To do this you can use a Google app like Jamboard and here's how
Curriculum Tags: All

Who doesn't like a nice Fibonacci fractal image done live
Curriculum Tags: All
Image Links
@DonFraser9 has a few more puzzles for you
Curriculum Tags: All

A little bit of Pythagorean Theorem, a little bit of area and a little bit of solving simultaneous equations
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D

Friday, April 3, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Apr. 3rd, 2020

Featured Links
All of these links have been featured on this blog over the years and even some summaries. But it's always worth it to see a new summary, especially when many of us are looking for help. In this case @ChrisHunter36 has packaged them as a nice visual clickable PDF. Follow the link to download yours.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
You can always count on @MaryBourassa to help out the province by posting stuff she is doing in her class. As many of us are doing, we are scrambling to figure out what to keep and what to pitch in all of our courses. In this Google Doc, she's giving us a sense of how she's laying out her Grade 9 Academic course. And don't forget to click on the Twitter chat that follows in the comments.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D
And here she asks for advice and the discussion in the comments gives some insight
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D
A lot of companies are offering support in many different ways. In this case TI is giving free access to online courses for the next six months as well as free downloads of their IOS calculator apps until the end of April. So take advantage of these while they last. Thanks to @KSpry for pointing this out.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
This could be a good visualization for talking about a converging series.
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MCV4U
It wouldn't be a math links post this week without some sort of Covid-19 link. This time it's two, first watch this video from @MinutePhysics about a log-log representation of Covid-19 data. This is new infections vs total infections. And the nice thing about this representation is that it makes it easy to see when things may be improving. And if you want to play around with this in a more dynamic way this graph is updated daily.
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

Image Links
A couple of more from @DonFraser9
Curriculum Tags: All

And a nice geometry problem
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P