
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending May 29th, 2020

Featured Links
Perhaps this is a bit self indulgent but I really like this vector equations activity that @SheriWalker72 made based on one of my old activities to intro vector equations. I like it because first of all, I don't think we have enough activities to support vector equations and secondly, she does a lot of nice self checking stuff (which is hard to do with straight algebraic representations). There is a lot of good practice with moving from vector to scalar to parametric to symmetric equations as well.
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U

Resource Links
Some more work from @Christophe_Sew, this time it's infinite examples and infinite practice for kids to try out with the product rule.
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U
And one of the things I love about the Twitter community is how we all use each other for inspiration and jumping off points. In this case, @TGoesh used the work of @Christophe_Sew to create some infinite practice for derivatives of trig functions with product, chain and quotient rule.
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U

This is a neat little card sort activity based on a data set about where each letter appears in various words. This would be a great way to just start to introduce the idea of displaying data and also help to facilitate discussions on why the data looks the way it does. Click on the link to get the downloadables ready to be cut up thanks to @GeoffKrall.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Video Links
More fractal stuff from @GHSMaths.
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
In all of this Covid data, I was relieved to finally see some other data. In this case, it's why catchers are the on the endangered list.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Friday, May 22, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending May 22nd, 2020

Featured Links
With all of the data floating around about Covid-19 it's hard to find just the right one to use in your class. Well last week this data showed up all over my Twitter feed and it's a great example of "how to lie with statistics". And just for fun, I took the graph and re arranged it to chronological order. Since then the Georgia officials have walked it back. But still it's a great example to open discussions with your students.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MDM4U
Chronological version:
Resource Links
In this long blogpost @ChrisHunter36 does a great job of connecting Indigenous art to patterning and beyond.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

If you are looking for something for you (or your students) to do while we are learning from home, I strongly suggest @Anniek_P's daily #MathArt challenges. As I type this, she is at Day 66. They are for humans who have all levels of artistic and mathematical ability. Check them out
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
Last week I shared the latest post from @SaraVDWerf about her Green Sheets. Here is a quick summary of what those are from Sara herself.
Curriculum Tags: All

Fractals are beautiful from any angle
Curriculum Tags: All
And the response in @Desmos from @SumDumThum
Curriculum Tags: All
A nice circle/midpoint triangle theorem by @GHSMaths done in @Desmos.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D
Nice visual proof for this infinite series.
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U
If you have ever done the Ball Bounce experiment then you might consider this video as a teaser or an extension.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P, MDM4U

Image Links
Thank you TV for providing a nice math question
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, May 15, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending May 15th, 2020

Featured Links
Whoa! This "Green Sheet' review process from @SaraVDWerf is pretty awesome. What is a Green Sheet? It's one sheet of paper reviewing mathematical concepts connected to current learning. You might think "right, another review sheet" but, seriously, Sara has done a deep dive into how to use these, create your own, why they are good and even how to use them in the distance learning environment. And she has made a bunch of these and have them ready for you. I also love how she qualifies their ability to help kids also:
"I use green sheets as one of many supports for my students who arrive to the courses I teach not academically ready for the course. I have found that ALL students find green sheets helpful – but only after I have taught them how to use them and also normalized their use in class. But……If you think green sheets will magically make your students who struggle, to not struggle, you would be wrong. Green Sheets alone are not a magic bullet."
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
I am sure you have probably done the four 4s activity with your kids. And so in this time of distance learning I think I really like this dynamic @Desmos version that allows you to play as a class from @KenClarkson3
Curriculum Tags: All
After seeing @NatBanting's virtual session on #MenuMath, I put together this one for adding and subtracting fractions. The whole #MenuMath structure is a great way to have kids do basic problems related to various topics. Check them all out at his website But here is a dynamic @Desmos version for distance learning. And thanks to @pascgall, there is also a French version.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

And as an added bonus, @pascgall has also translated my Division of Fractions progression to French as well.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8
And finally, some great work from @Christophe_Sew in the area of derivatives of functions with negative powers. As the Tweet Says: Infinite examples with the random problem generators for instant practice. But as an added bonus he's made a collection of all of his Calculus activities here
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U
Video Links
This is quite possibly my favourite infinite fractals. And I love that it was created by @sumdumthum in @Desmos.
Curriculum Tags: All
I'm not even sure what to call this but I was mesmerized.
Curriculum Tags: All

It's so awesome that this whole animation was done in @Desmos. Perhaps some ideas for analytic geometry in MPM2D.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D
You may love that they exist or hate that they exist but online apps that solve equations and do algebra exist. You should probably know about them at least so you can adjust your lessons. Here @MrValencia24 gives us the lowdown on two of them.
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
This series of images is awesome. What a perfect connection to sinusoidal functions. And if you know Ernesto, make sure you give him some props. Make sure you click through the link to see the whole picture.
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MCF3M, MHF4U

Friday, May 8, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending May 8th, 2020

Featured Links
It's (hopefully) no secret that a) OAME 2020 was supposed to be happening right now and was cancelled and b) OAME 2020 Virtual was put in its place. And as part of the organization committee I have been helping with the live sessions so I will share just a few of the things I've seen that have been share worthy (you'll have to register to see the rest). As I type this on Friday night, there are still some spots left if you want to register for this free conference. All the sessions are freely available until Monday at midnight and then after that you have to be an OAME member. Check out the lineup and find out how to be a last minute registrant.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
I have always been a fan of Ron Lancaster. And I found out today that he has presented at 38 OAME conferences in a row. So I'm glad that we were able to put this on so that he could keep his streak going. He always manages to take something that starts out simple and then pull complex mathematics out of it. Today he didn't disappoint and I love that he talk up Geometer's Sketchpad (and even included some GSP files in his folder of resources). The premiss was that there is no need to worry about having enough time to cover all the curriculum if you have some rich problems to have students tackle. Even if you just go for some of the great images that he has taken over the years from around the world then that's enough. And a heads up, he will be the 100th presentation of NCTM's 100 Days of Professional Learning so stay tuned for that later this fall. In the meantime his session folder is below but if you get this soon enough, check out the recording of his live session in the conference archives (see website, above).
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MCR3U, MCF3M

It's no secret that I'm a fan of CODAP, so I was thrilled at @JoelBezaire and @Approx_Normal's session on Harnessing Student Curiosity with data. I think that even if all you do is go to their slideshow to grab all of the awesome datasets that are so interesting and can't help but entice your students to dig deeper then you're doing alright. But also check out the recording of their session so you can get a glimpse of how great CODAP is. Get their slide deck below
Curriculum Tags: MBF3C, MDM4U, MAP4C

And for those who really want to dive into data analysis. You might consider trying RStudio and checking out @PappyPapalia session. He does a pretty good job of taking something that seems complex (the coding involved) and making it attainable. And, much like @JoelBezaire and @Approx_Normal's session, there are some great data sets here. Check out his slide deck below and watch the recording of his session for more info.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

And if you are checking out the pre recorded session, I would not miss @NatBanting's session on #MenuMath. If you are looking for a way to create authentic assessment for students at a distance, I think one way you can do that is to give students a menu of things to do for a particular math topic and ask them to create problems or situations that check off the things in the menu with the fewest problems. I am totally butchering the description. Check out all his examples at the link below and check out the video of his OAME session at the OAME conference website.
Curriculum Tags: All

Though this isn't part of the OAME conference, I did release a new @Desmos activity this week that walks through a series of division of fractions questions that helps to build the algorithm to divide them without telling students directly right out of the gate. It is a self checking activity and it has a Challenge Creator for students to create their own problems too.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Video Links
I didn't know what the involute of a circle (tree) is. Thanks to @LukeSelfwalker, now I know. Be sure to check the comments to get the "full picture"
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U
I love mathematical optical illusions.
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
Check out how John Coltrane draws a picture illustrating the mathematics of music. Thanks to @KMarkPet for pointing this one out.
Curriculum Tags: All

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending May 1st, 2020

Featured Links
Although I don't often repeat posts, because I am helping with the organization here, I am taking some licences and reminding people that our virtual math conference is happening starting Wednesday and there are over 3000 people already signed up. OAME 2020 Virtual features 30 live sessions and over 20 pre recorded sessions on May 6-9th. When you register you will be registering for the conference but not picking sessions. We will just be sending you links each day for the day's sessions. The conference is free to all but the recordings (both live and pre recorded) will only be open to the public until the following Monday. Check out the full program and get registration details at the link below
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
I know I have been posting a lot of @Desmos stuff lately but I know that people are looking for things they can use online and I think that the ability to comment and watch what kids are doing in realtime then it's a great tool. That being said, here is an activity that I created to help kids develop an understanding of fraction division without directly telling them. And as a bonus, it's self checking and there is a Challenge Creator so students can create their own devision problem for the rest of the class to try out.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Some great tips from @JReulbach on things you can do at home to hack together a studio for making videos. And I highly recommend the same stylus she's suggesting. I use the same one.
Curriculum Tags: All

Opinion Links 
I am a fan of good information and in this post, @RobertKaplinski is telling us about some of his favourite non fiction books that are not about education that every teacher should read. And I have read four of five but my fav from the list is Made to Stick. I wouldn't miss it.
Curriculum tags: All

Video Links
I totally love this video from @StandupMaths and @FryRSquared about the dangers of false positives. This was recorded last December but it's totally topical now where there is talk of the accuracy of Covid tests.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

And I love how I can finally watch @FryRSquared's Full Christmas lecture now on probability
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MDM4U

And on Algorithms
Curriculum Tags: All

And on Math's limits
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
This is just one link but check out all of the geometry and drawing challenges that @Anniek_P has posed. Some great stuff for when your stuck at home
Curriculum Tags: All