
Friday, July 31, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 31st, 2020

Featured Links
It's not too late to apply to the AFEMO/OAME Elementary Curriculum Project. We are looking for writers and other positions for curriculum resources and webinars for the new curriculum for grades 1-8. The deadline for applications is August 4th. So don't delay.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
There is a wealth of C19 data on the Interwebs. But finding one that houses all kinds of interactives, reports, articles and downloadable data sets for most counties is particularly useful. That's what you get with Our World in Data.  And of course, there is all kinds of data on other subjects too.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Because my wife and daughters are avid fans of @RuPaulsDragRace,and so by default, so do I (don't get me started on who should have won on the last season). And so my daughter pointed out this analysis of the lip sync battles from @GaytaScience today and I was pleasantly surprised that there is a whole host of other posts about using data science techniques to gain insight about LGBTQ+ experiences. So be sure to check those out.
Curriculum Tag: MDM4U

A couple of interactives from @DPScher made with WebSketchpad. One on adding fractions on a number line, then another on adding and subtracting fractions on a number line. Both include a video tutorial on how to use them. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Video Links
This is an old TED talk but it's new to me about using data analysis and machine learning to analyze NBA players. 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Image Links
The @BuildMathMinds 2020 Virtual Summit is free and it's this week. More than 20 speakers over the three days including Canadians @MarkChubb3, @Dr_Costello & @GCouros. Make sure you sign up. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, July 24, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 24th, 2020

Featured Links
I feel like in this forum, I am preaching to the converted. But just in case some of you still aren't making Twitter a part of your math repertoire, I would like to point out that there are pedagogical discussions that start with a simple prompt. Here are a couple. Make sure you look at the comments for the discussion. 
Curriculum Tags: All
Resource Links
Here's a great, fun activity from @Desmos on scale diagrams. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P
Video Links
Holy moly I want a 3D printer more than ever. Such cool geometry going on here. 
Curriculum Tags: All

I like these "If the _____ was 100 people....." data representations. And this can be used for more than just data. I think it could be used for proportional reasoning and percents as well.  This one is a few years old but it's the first time I've seen it so, here you go. 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U, Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

I like this "test" video on the force produced by different sized screws (he says power but he really means force). It's more of a physics video but I think you can do some math stuff with rates and slope too. And it could also be used in a STEM setting. Plus the fact that this guy has some serious manufacturing skills. 
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P

Image Links
There are so many instances of bad data online about C-19 but to have an example right out of "How to Lie with Statistics" pushed out from an official state office, that's worth a conversation. 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
This was from last week's #MathPhoto20 theme of #measure
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, July 17, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 17th, 2020

Featured Links
Are you looking for some resources to help with distance learning (who knows what the new year will look like)? Well the crew at Making Math Moments that Matter have a Guide to Distance Learning. 
Curriculum Tags:All

Resource Links
@HTheijsmeijer has updated her list of Indigenous Mathematicians and Scientist. This is definitely worth a look.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
I always love the detail that @StandupMaths takes in explaining the (seemingly) mundane things but even though this may seem mundane, I like the math that makes it possible.
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
There is a lot of stuff out there about the efficacy of masks. Since there wasn't a lot of research about cloth masks for the general public before the pandemic, some are using that to attach their importance. But that is starting to change. Here @monachalabi has three (make sure you see them all) summaries of some recent research about masks (including cloth masks). 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

View this post on Instagram

Wear a mask.

A post shared by Mona Chalabi (@monachalabi) on

This would be a good question to provoke conversation when talking about probability 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

This week's #MathPhoto20 theme is #measurement
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, July 10, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending July 10th, 2020

Featured Links
Last week the Ontario Ministry of Education finally released the new grade 1-8 math curriculum. This week they've started to release some of the supporting resources. There three short overview videos on the curriculum, learning areas and support materials but the thing I like the most is the PDF document on High Impact Instructional Practices. I am sure there will be more to come but this is what we have right now. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
I feel like this post from @JStevens009 is super timely. Given that most of use were teaching online for the first time at the end of last year (and may be doing the same was the new year starts). John takes us through the mistakes that he made and whether you made these same mistakes or not, it's worth a read to get set up for the new year. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Video/Audio Links
Here's a great video that you could use to talk about proportional reasoning as well as visualizing big numbers. Thanks to @MrOrr_Geek for pointing this one out.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P


UPDATE: Jeff Bezos Wealth Visualized in Rice 🍚 ##amazon ##rice ##jeffbezos ##billionaire ##money

♬ original sound - humphreytalks

Check out Nasa engineer @Dajae_Monae on NPR's Shortwave talking about mixing math and hip hop to teach math topics. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
Don't forget to take part in #MathPhoto20. This week's topic is angles. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, July 3, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending Jun. 3rd., 2020

Featured Links
Woah, I am behind. Have you taken part in #MathPhoto20? Organized by @TheErickLee and @CarlOliwitter, this is a weekly math photo challenge. They started a few weeks ago and have a different theme each week. Check out the first few prompts and join the fun. Be sure to include the hashtag #MathPhoto20 and check out all the submissions on their website. This week's challenge is a mashup with @Anniek_p's #MathArtChallenge
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
Another activity with unlimited examples and unique, self checking practice for students. This time dealing with proportionalities to linear, quadratic and cubic functions. 
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

I really like this post from @ChrisHunter36 on the mixed use of imperial and metric units here in Canada. I know that our official switch to metric happened in the 70s, so I was a kid at the time. I started learning Imperial then moved to metric. I also live next to Detroit so I have watched a lot of US TV. All that being said, I am pretty fluent in both measurement systems. But it seems that who ever made these adds must expect everyone to bet that way. Read on. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
I am mesmerized by these two animations
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links
It's time to make geometric connections to pasta with a book on that very subject. 
Curriculum Tags: All