
Friday, February 26, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Feb. 26th, 2021

Featured Links

I had a fun season recording the @OAMEtalks podcast and in the last few bonus episodes we were talking with some of the featured and keynote speakers from #OAME2021 and I asked each of them what they thought was working well with online learning. This episode is what they all said:
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

I really like this Desmos version of an @OpenMiddle problem created by @TimBrzezinski
Curriculum Tags:Gr7, Gr8

Video/Audio Links

I like the ability to debunk Internet scams with math 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U


Wanna win $1,000,000? There’s just a catch 🤔 #math #mathtiktok

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys - Kevin MacLeod

Image Links

Who doesn't like a good tiling pattern
Curriculum Tags: All

Some bar graphs about carbon emissions to have students analyze 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Friday, February 19, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Feb 19th, 2021

Featured Links

I can't tell you how many times I need to have a math symbol in a regular text box (÷ √ ≤ ⇄). Thanks to @kevpluck for building a tool to help us do it and thanks to @GerardLewis for pointing this out. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

A few weeks ago Desmos released an updated version of Central Park, and now they've updated Function Carnival. Now you can have these great activities with all the teacher dashboard features that exist now. 
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MCF3M, MHF4U

Video/Audio Links

Valentine's Day is over so keep this one for next year
Curriculum Tags: All

Though not typically a math based podcast, on a recent episode of Cyber, a cyber security expert talks about his first hack with a TI-83 calculator. I've added this to my list of math based podcasts (link below)
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MHF4U, MCV4U

A new bonus episode of the @OAMEtalks podcast with another preview from #OAME2021. This one featuring @RobertQBerry @LLB_315 @gfletchy @MrOrr_geek and @MathletePearce:
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

Who knew that you could construct a heptagon using some parabolas?
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MCF3M, MCR3U

Even though factorial notation isn't a common notation for most grades, I still think you could introduce it and then let kids chew on this 
Curriculum Tags: All


Friday, February 12, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Feb 12th, 2021

Featured Links

I really appreciate the time and care that @standupmaths puts into his videos. It's clear he must have done a lot of takes to get some of these shots and even though this may be a bit long, there is some great stuff here about probability and the binomial theorem plus if you have any kids interested in Minecraft then this might get them geeked. 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Resource Links

Some great work from @Kurt_Salisbury on Quadratics, here are three interactive activities that takes you from quadratic relationships to parabolic motion. 
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MFM2P, MCR3U, MCF3M, MBF3C

I like when teachers create new tools that we can use in our own activities. In this case @TimBrzezinski has created this cool measurement tool in Desmos
Curriculum Tags: All

Audio/Video Links

I've recorded the first of three OAME 2021 preview episodes on the OAMEtalks podcast. This bonus episode features a preview from speakers including Ron Lancaster, @pi_lab, @GailBurrill, @marian_small and @ddmeyer. There is still time to register. 
Curriculum Tags: All

I was bored and there was fresh snow and sun. But see if you can spot the mistakes when I created this Sierpinski's Triangle
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

I think this is a great problem that could be done at many grade levels way into High School
Curriculum Tags: All

Who doesn't like a climber made in the shape of a Klein bottle.
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, February 5, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Feb 5th, 2021

Featured Links 

I have to say that I am thrilled to see @Desmos redo Central Park. This was the activity that sold me on Desmos activities but it was built before Activity Builder was a thing so once AB came to be, Central Park couldn't take advantage of all the features that we now love about doing an activity with Desmos (anonymize, pacing, snapshots etc). So enjoy the new version of Central Park and watch the #DesmosLive to get all the details (including a glimpse of some of the original storyboards) 
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

Resource Links 

One of the things that @Desmos has done is try to go beyond math by including things like checkin screens where students can say how they feel. And, of course, that means other people will start to make their own. So I love this checkin screen from @Kristen_Faust where you get to answer "Which Sloth Are You?" Add it to one of your activities today
Curriculum Tags: All

Such a great activity for students are doing work around Pythagorean theorem, distance between points, irrational roots etc
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P, MPM2D, MFM2P

A collection of data about Superbowl commercials
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U 

Article Links 

I recently interviewed @RobertQBerry for an upcoming @OAMEtalks episode but in the mean time:
Curriculum Tags: All

We need more secret math societies
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links 

What would it be on Superbowl weekend without some math based content. In this case, it's probability
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Image Links 

Curriculum Tags: All