
Friday, July 30, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 30th, 2022

Featured Links

If this wasn't already the case when we started the year last year (because of our end of the previous year lockdown), it's probably more the case now. That is, the idea with @DDMeyer's post on advice on how to handle the fact that students may be coming into our classes this year on the deficient side. So I appreciate the analogy to "Previously on..." TV shows. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

Just a reminder that there are now 15 pentagons that will tile the plane. And check out the reminder from @DavidPoras in the comments with a reminder that they all exist in Polypad
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Here's a neat little hack for the Desmos Graphing calculator for scientific notation
Curriculum tags: All

Some hands on activities for coterminal angles from @MathEqualsLove
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MHF4U

Article Links

Mathematicians, they are everywhere. Even winning gold at the Olympics
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

I love all the geometry that can be done on Polypad. In this webinar from @DavidPoras, you can see how to use them including a preview of some of the new, very cool, 3D features at around the 32 minute mark. So excited about the dynamic 3D nets.
Curriculum Tags: All

There is definitely some math happening in and around the Olympics
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

This week for #MathPhoto21 it's #conics. Take your pictures and post them with the proper hashtags
Curriculum Tags: All

I think this would be good for data management (maybe about making a better representation) but I also think it would be good for talking about orders of magnitude
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MDM4U

I think I would like to have the actual data for this and have kids play with shifting things around. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MDM4U

Of course there is data in Legos
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MDM4U

Friday, July 23, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 23rd, 2021

Featured Links

Last week we found out that there was some language removed from the new Grade 9 Ontario Math curriculum about being culturally responsive and dealing with equity. Check out last week's post for more. This week, here are the responses from the OAME and the OMCA. And again, if you are not OK with this, contact your local MPP. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

I have said it many times that I am a fan of matching activities. This one comes from @MathEqualsLove, someone who is no stranger to matching activities. In this case it's a twist on a worksheet with complex exponent simplification questions. Here students have 20 expressions to simplify to match up with one of 4 simplified expressions. Read on for more info and the downloads. 
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W, MPM2D

Speaking of equity, the folks at Desmos are very committed to their equity principals. And if you have ever use their activities in Anonymize mode, you know that students' then get renamed as a current or historical mathematician. Well they have just updated their list to be more inclusive than it already was and you can read about their thought process (and see the entire list) here.
Curriculum Tags: All

As many of us will be transitioning from online learning back to face to face, @MrValencia24 has some ideas of how he will continue to use what he's learned online in his face to face classes. 
Curriculum Tags:All

Article Links

A new study exploring cognitive ability and math anxiety
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

Currently there is some concern about breakthrough cases of C19 but I like this explainer in this thread of Tweets that shows that comparing the right things is important. Be sure to look at the whole thread
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

You can count on @JamesTanton to give us examples of beautiful math. In this video from 5 years ago, he shows us how making things visual can make things more visual with this problem that starts with an array of dots. 
Curriculum Tags: All

They keep adding more features to Polypad. This time, here's some info on creating systems of equations with balance beams.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D

Dynamic Tessellation.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7
Some deep thinking here about Godel's Incompleteness Theorem
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

My personal favourite would be za-BO-ba fak-TOH-ah
Curriculum Tags:All

#Sportsmath is the latest theme for #MathPhoto21
Curriculum Tags:All

Friday, July 16, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 16th, 2021

Featured Links

If you follow Ontario math at all this week then you know that a bomb dropped in the area of equity and culturally responsive curriculum. That is, somehow, some of the language about these things that was in the front matter of the new grade 9 curriculum was quietly stripped out. However, people noticed. You can see exactly what the changes were in this Tweet and the associated comments (some of the comments further down the list as well). And even though this directly affects the current Gr 9 curriculum, this really affects all future curriculums. Let your local MPP know that you are not OK with this. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

It's always nice to have a list of "go to" sites for resources. This list was curated by @JRappaport27. You an also see my list on this blog in the Best of the Web tab. 
Curriculum Tags: All

I like these two from @MathTechCoach on probability. This first one on randomness
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MDM4U
And I really like this one that is dealing with the idea of informal language with probability. It would be a great activity to use when just starting out.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MDM4U

Opinion Links

And I would have been shocked if @MathGarden wouldn't have weighed in on this week's curriculum shenanigans. Given the title: "White Supremacist Ideology Influences Ontario Math Curriculum: Outcome is Inferior Mathematics." he clearly lets the people in power have it. Too bad they likely won't see this.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

A nice video and interactive from @TimBrzezinski on the area of a Trapezoid
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

And this time one for the area of a triangle
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8
And here is another triangle area video and interactive
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

One of the expectations in the new Ontario Gr9 curriculum is about circle properties. So this video and interactive would be perfect. 
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W

Image Links

Given that we had an equity issue here in Ontario this week, the week 6 theme of #MathPhoto21 seems particularly on point
Curriculum Tags: All

A nice tessellation 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7

Here's a nice problem dealing with the area of circles. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8


Friday, July 9, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 9th, 2021

Featured Links 

Somehow I missed the beginning of #MathPhoto21. We are now in week 5 but you can see (and post about) the themes that have already come. One theme a week for 10 weeks. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links 

If you've got Microbits in your class and you are doing some coding then you might want to try out this social distancing code
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MTH1W

A nice dynamic probability calculator
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Some simple tweaks to help your direct instruction
Curriculum Tags: All
This is a pretty slick demo of multiplying and dividing by powers of 10
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Audio/Video Links 

I've seen animations like this before but I like how this one shows it for four polynomials at once
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MTH1W

I have seen this sort of visual proof of the Pythagorean Theorem before (ie with water) but I've always seen the same video that's been around for a while. This looks like a newer construction. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MTH1W
This mechanical linkage for to determine the centroid of any triangle is cool. I made a Desmos version here (hint: a trisection is needed). And there is a proof here
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W
If you are teaching any math concept, there is better anchoring for students if there is a story associated with it. My guess is that if they hear this baseball related story on a recent episode of @PlanetMoney they will come away with a great anchor about compound interest. It's good for just introducing the topic or more complex calculations involving annuities and pension payouts. Here's the short version: Pro baseball player Bobbly Bonilla gets the last $6 million of his contract bought out in a way that after 10 years, he gets over a $1 million a year for 25 years.  
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MCR3U

Why get a job in Statistics? Why not?
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
Seriously, who wouldn't want to hear Tom Hiddleson read math equations? Except, as @Howie_Hua points out, when he misses a value of Pi.
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links 
Here's a prompt for your statistics classes
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

"When will we ever need this in real life?" - here's your answer
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, July 2, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 2nd, 2021

Featured Links

I love how @Mathigon continues to add to and improve Polypad. Check out the new features and use all the rest of this free resource. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

Looking for some coding ideas for your gr9 class? Then bookmark this page created by @DaveLenovas where he will be posting weekly coding challenges. There is only one there now but as the year starts, he'll add them. 
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W

Video Links

Something fun to look at when dealing with factors of numbers
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Here's a nice application of the quadratic formula. And if you want to go deep with a different (and suprising) conclusion, you might want to look at this analysis by the @Freakonomics Crew. 
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MBF3C, MCR3U, MCF3M

@DonFraser9 references one of my favourite resource books "Mathematics a Human Endeavour" by Harold R. Jacobs. And that reminded me of my OAME 2014 Ignite talk on recreational reading for math teachers. Check out the video below and here is the link to the slide deck with all of the links. 
Curriculum Tags:All

Image Links

Here's a great little math starter. Seems simple but I think it could get complex (and fun)
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

I think any factoring polynomials meme that references Adventure Time is OK with me
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U