
Friday, May 13, 2016

Math Links for Week Ending May 13th, 2016

The Data and Story Library (DASL) is an awesome repository of data sets that can be used to teach statistics. For a while it was offline and looking for a new home. It has found one thanks to @DataDesk7. Go to the site and search by statistical method (eg correlation) or subject (Eg health) for a bunch of text files with raw data in them ripe for the picking. I have used this as a source for problems many times. Here is my favourite data set.
Curriculum Tags: MBF3C, MAP4C, MDM4U

I like unintended uses of Google Docs, and last year I shared @Joe_Sisco's Interacive Wordwalls using Google Drawings. In this post @ryan_psmith uses the same technique to create interactive algebra tile Google Drawings. Thanks to @wheeler_laura for pointing this one out
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P, MPM2P

Here is a great example of conditional probability and why the problem of false positives can be hard to understand. Based on the math, it turns out that the probability of dying in a car crash is higher than an extinction level event happening to our planet. The math is correct but the thing that people forget about things like this is that there is one Earth and one "experiment" where as for car accidents there are thousands of experiments happening everyday.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

I like this short little activity from @mathycathy that mixes animals, linear patterns and Desmos. Students are given an image of three "critters" that change based on a linear growing pattern. Then students discuss what might happen next, graph the relationship then guess what the 100th term might look like. Nice and simple.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

The connection of math that gambling has is often poo-pooed by educators (for fear of possibly starting an addiciton - I mean seriously, we have to call dice "number cubes"). In this post, @AlexBellos gives us reason to love gambling and why it has helped math.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MDM4U

I just found out about this blog from Michael Lieff. Here they look at data visualizations and point out unique representations, good uses of data and issues. Its been around for a couple of years but on the homepage there are some suggestions of popular posts to look at.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

A couple of more posts from last week's OAME conference (for more check out last week's post). I was sorry I missed all of @marybourassa's sessions but I guilted her into posting her slide decks (she had many). She did a neat panel discussion with (@alexoverwijk, @mrorr_geek, @sheriwalker72 and @BDMclaurin on the benefits of spiralling the curriculum, a session on her WODB site, an awesome session on her grade 10 applied & academic classes (her day by day posts on her blog are great) and finally ended up doing an Ignite session on asking 150,000 questions. Check her decks out here, there really is something for everyone here.
Curriculum Tags: All

I mentioned one session from @paulynecass last week and found that also did one with @igniteincite on the Effective Use of Manipulatives. Looks like it was a session packed with stuff.
Curriculum Tags: All

Yup, so us Canadians luv our Census. So much that we shut down the website.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MDM4U, MAP4C

Sad but true, this professor gets pulled off of a plane because his mathematical scribbles were mistaken as an act of terrorism. He was wielding weapons of math abstraction.
Curriculum Tags: All

If you need to introduce a friend to the Desmos Graphing calculator then send them to this recording of a intro webinar. Even if you know Desmos, you may find some things you like in the challenges that @mjfenton uses to demonstrate some of the features.
Curriculum Tags: All

I can't wait to see the movie The Man Who Knew Infinity and @standupmaths has some mathematical facts as a companion

Hopefully this isn't your math class
Curriculum Tags: All

Finally a practical use of rates. Thanks to @mathletepearce for this one
Curriculum Tags: All

Who doesn't like "Fibonachos"?
Curriculum Tags: All
Finally a store that gets it. Thanks to Michael Lieff for this one
Curriculum Tags: All

Very cool visualization of the effects of global warming
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

A fun Venn diagram. Can you figure it out? Thanks to @joe_Sisco for this one
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

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