
Friday, November 11, 2016

Math Links for Week Ending Nov. 11, 2016

I really liked this week's MacLeans magazine cover. Asking whether the tally actually matches 1560 could be a great problem for just about any grade level but if you wanted to match it specifically to expectations, I would think it would be about areas of irregular shape. I saw it on Tuesday morning and used it in a workshop with teachers and it was great how different the approaches were. You can get a printable version here.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

It starts out looking relatively simple with the first question of how many panels are there but it very quickly ramps up to a nice series of rate questions dealing with how much energy they generate and how many homes they power.
Curriulum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MFM1P, MPM1D

I do like my geometric candy. Here is some controversy with a modification of the shape of the Toblerone bar. Certainly you could generate a math problem out of this.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM2P

I just had this conversation with a teacher. We feel like we have to give students full solutions because that is part of our job but in doing that we are the ones doing the work. Just because students see a correct solution doesn't mean they will learn how to solve the problem. They have to have the struggle. Read more about the six reasons @dsladkey says he won't give them anymore.
Curriculum Tags: All
This is a few months old but I like the sentiment. The idea that we should teach at the speed of learning from Phil Daro. Thanks to @MarkChubb3 for pointing this one out.
Curriculum Tags: All
Daro Teach at the Speed of Learning from rpdent on Vimeo.

I always like a good sketchnote. I wasn't at the OAME Leadership conference last week but @RoyanLee had this nice summary of day one from @JoBoaler
Curriculum Tags: All

More #smudgedmath from @pgliljedahl. This time with something that relates to order of operations.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

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