
Friday, March 2, 2018

Math LInks for Week Ending Mar. 2nd, 2018

I'm sure you are aware of @Mr_Stadel's Estimation 180 and hopefully you have used some of them in your class to help kids become better at estimation. Recently he posted about how to use the @Desmos activity builder to extend that structure and help get students to think deeper on their estimation skills. He lays it out on this post and shows how you can do that in this post.
Curriculum Tags: All

Some fun stuff to help your students link about linear functions from @G_BRGMN. Sure there's a WODB but I like the idea of asking students to notice and wonder about some of those things that we often take for granted as teachers (like the point slope formula for a line). Some nice ways to tweak the stuff you are already doing in your class and get your kids talking at the same time.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM2P

Do you want a simple, real life math related task, to help connect students to the equation of a circle then check out this one from @geoffkrall. And if you want to take it a step further in terms of real world applications to crime scenes you can look at geographic profiling (which was developed in Vancouver)
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D

Do you want to provide your students an opportunity to practice with equivalent fractions then you might want to use this set of 51 cards created by @mathequalslove. 51 because they match all the pieces of the standard fraction tower. She uses it like a card sort where students have to sort fractions in groups that are equivalent using the actual fraction strips to help. Download the template at the link below.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Here is a nice piece on the problems with online teaching videos for math from @rogonic. The gist of it is that with videos the focus can only be procedural aspects of mathematics and that mathematics can be so much more. I would go so far as to say that if the experience students receive in a math class looks a lot like those videos (eg Khan Academy) then those videos are a great resource. However, that also tells me that those student's teacher could be literally be replaced by the Internet. We can do so much more than just teach procedures in a math class. So let's do it.
Curriculum Tags: All

Home made fridge magnets for parents
Curriculum Tags: All

Some linear humour. Thanks to @BardPrincess for this one
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM2P

I like this post from @MathDenisNJ highlighting some of the great strobe images from the Olympics and connecting them to trig and quadratic functions. Check the link out for all the images and if you want more of that type, I have a bunch of quadratic ones here.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MFM2P, MCR3U, MCF3M, MBF3C

How about a composite area problem from FoxTrot
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

Some more Olympic data from @FiveThirtyEight. This time on the sports with the most crashes. I think you could use it when teaching about percent. Click on the link for the whole story
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

Some Math with Bad Drawings from @BenOrlin on e. Check them all out at the link below
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

Some more fun from @BenOrlin with 18 (or so) math cartoons
Curriculum Tags: All

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