
Friday, April 20, 2018

Math Links for Week Ending April 20th, 2018

About a month ago, I recorded a session on the podcast 10 Minute Teacher with @coolcatteacher. It was fun. The resulting episode just got released this week. I talked about how I mainly use Twitter by focussing on hashtags vs following people. Specifically #mathchat, #MTBoS and #ITeachMath. I'm sure many teachers who read this blog are already aware of these but if you want a few more tips then maybe give a listen. And then listen to some of their other episodes. They put one out per weekday every week with a different theme every day. 
Curriculum Tags: All

We've had this new continuum kicking around for a while and we finally formalized the blogpost. We really like these as a way to have kids practice math skills. On this one, students practice their factoring of quadratic skills. They start at a card that matches their skill level and move from card to card (increasing in difficulty) as the continue to practice. Students really love this mode of practice and continually tell us so, yet, give them a worksheet and they run.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MFM2P, MCR3U, MCF3M, MBF3C, MAP4C

We also released an experimental mashup of Desmos and Web Sketchpad. In this case, for proving congruent triangles. In it students record all of their thinking in Desmos and investigate the nature of congruency with the dynamic Web Sketch and going back and forth between the two.
Curriculum Tags; Gr7G

If you like then you will probably like this new set of slideshows from @SteveWybourney. It's a neat little way to have students practice their estimation skills in a very controlled way. Check out all of the slideshows (40 sets)  at the link below and when you get there, watch the video to get a better sense of how to use this.
Curriculum Tags: All

In this new activity from Desmos, students investigate the nature of steepness and along the way give reasons why the coordinate grid is useful as well as possibly being a good starting point to talk about the concept of slope.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P, MFM2P

Do you want to teach your kids about using formulas and do it with some neat contexts? Then take a look at this article about being able to predict how fast you could run a marathon by only using two pieces of information and an equation.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P

"It’s the things you do everyday that matter. Those are the things that will build the culture you are looking for. Routine and Consistency are what will drive change in your classroom and student learning." - That's the main message in the advice that @MrOrr_Geek is giving this week as he touts the benefits of consistency in the math classroom. Read on in the link below
Curriculum Tags: All

In this writeup, @MathGarden compares what we should be doing in math class to Willie Wonka. But really, the thing that connected with me was the quote from Sir Ken Robinson - "Teaching is a creative profession, not a delivery mechanism"
Curriculum Tags: All

Though it used to be a staple of many classrooms (not just math), much of the research seems to suggest that memorization doesn't have a huge amount of effect on students. Check this article out to find out why?
Curriculum Tags: All

Seriously, how can you not love this activity for connecting quadratics with movement. Even if you don't have a full right up of the activity, you totally get the gist.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MFM2P
I happened to be watching Jeopardy the other night and what should appear but this question. Now you can tell kids why they have to do some of the crazy math stuff we make them do - just in case of Jeopardy.
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U

Last week I posted about some amazing @Desmos art. Here's some more. Check out his feed for all the Desmos goodness
Curriculum Tags: All

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