
Friday, September 21, 2018

Math Links for Week Ending Sept. 21st, 2018

Need some help with introductory calculus (you or your students). Then you might try out this free online course from Wolfram that gives that introductory look at this classic course. Thanks to @MathHombre for pointing this one out.
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U

I'm a big fan of sorting activities for students. They are simple ways for kids to practice in short bursts and they are often more engaging than plane old worksheets. In this post @MissCalcul8 has a card sort for solving equations ready for you to print out. You can find that and more activities centred around equations on her blog post.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM2P

I created a simple activity to help students practice plotting points. In it they are presented with a target and have to try to plot the point to get a bullseye. Once they get the bullseye, they can randomly generate another target. It starts with graphing in one quadrant, then goes to four and finally goes to four with decimal valued points.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Math anxiety is a problem for many students. Learning how to help students deal with it is something we as teachers should probably learn about. This article from @Maloney_EA, @NumCog and Jonathan Fugelsang give us some strategies. Thanks to @MSBJacobs for point this one out.
Curriculum Tags: All

Given many of the public calls in the media to go back to drill and kill, this essay from @egroetzi on why that is precisely what we shouldn't do (backed up be research). Some good points here to validate any arguments you might have in favour of a more balanced approach than just drill and kill. Thanks to @ddmeyer for pointing this one out.
Curriculum Tags: All

So @ddmeyer blogged about his experience teaching summer school this past summer and you can read about his adventures at the link below. But my take away was this short talk by @maxrayriek that I have somehow missed all these years. Such a good insight about how we (shouldn't) listen to students while we are teaching. Everyone should take 5 minutes and watch this. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Here is a great example of @ddmeyer's idea of giving students a "headache" so that math has to be the "aspirin".
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P

A few weeks ago I posted a video from @standupmaths regarding the new geometric shape called a scutoid. Well if you like that then you'll like this jewelry based on this shape. Thanks to @mathhombre for pointing this one out.
Curriculum Tags: All

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