
Friday, September 7, 2018

Math Links for Week Ending Sept. 7th, 2018

There has been a lot of discussion about "going back to basics" (what ever that means) and focussing on memorizing algorithms by our newly elected government. There are many problems with this approach. That being said, @ddmeyer just did this blog post asking "What Does Fluency Without Understanding Look Like?". This can be a problem in math. If we only focus on algorithms, we run the risk of fooling ourselves into thinking that kids understand math. Lot's of people have given many examples of how this happens and I really like this example given by @pejorgens. But read more on Dan's post
Curriculum Tags: All

I have loved @SteveWyborney's Splat slideshows from day one. We are a Google Suite school board so I had started to convert some of them to Google Slides. But now he's done it for me and now you too can have all the Splat slidedecks in a Google friendly way.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P, MFM2P

I loved this story about this pizza place that makes the largest deliverable pizza. There a so many math questions you can ask about this. Just ask kids what they notice and wonder for a start. But I start to think about things like crust to non crust piece ratio and maximizing edges etc. Click the link and watch the video for more info.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

Ontario Teachers @mathletepearce and @mrorr_geek have just released a free four video series on Making Math Moments Matter. These four 10 minute(ish) videos are teasers for their upcoming webinar series on how to get kids to remember your lessons. Get the free videos and sign up for the course at the link below.
Curriculum Tags: All

With our current government talking about more rote practice, this post from @MarkChubb3 about alternate forms of practice in math class is pretty timely. Practice doesn't have to be rote to be effective and it is possible to make practice more like play. Read below for more.
Curriculum Tags: All

Some good math sentiments from @MisterWooTube
Curriculum Tags: All

Sign up to find out how @Desmos is tackling accessability on the latest versions of their graphing calculator
Curriculum Tags: All

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