
Friday, October 19, 2018

Math Links for Week Ending Oct. 19th, 2018

Even though on this blog I feature math links related to grade 6-12 math, I don't mind pointing out good stuff that comes out of the Ontario Math community, even when it isn't in that realm. So this week @AliceAspinall published a children's book promoting mathematics. Everyone Can Learn Math is out now and is the story of Amy's struggle to get a math assignment done. Spoiler alert: she finds that struggle and hard work are all part of being successful in anything, including math.
Curriculum Tags: All

I have mentioned Delta Math before but they just released 18 new geometric construction activities so if you haven't already got your kids to try Delta Math for practice, this might be the thing that will get you there.
Curriculum Tags: All
Wired Math is a site curated by the University of Waterloo to give enrichment activities for grades 7-10. There are challenges, interactive games and more. A good resource to remind us that sometimes as we try to help the struggling learners, we forget about those who aren't struggling. Thanks to @Robin_Grondin for pointing this one out.
Curriculum Tags: All

Some fun stuff here to have students practice computation and order of operations giving answers like palindromic numbers. A fun way to practice computation. Make sure you click on the link to get to the actual paper with all the examples (from the simple to the complex).
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P, MPM2D, MCR3U, MCF3M

I have mentioned before that the NY Times publishes a graph a week where they ask what you Notice and Wonder. In this post, @AliceKeeler provides a structure for students to use a Google Sheet to help document their notice and wonderings.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MDM4U, MAP4C

I saw this Tweet from @DavidButlerUoA on creating patterns with hexagons sized by the Golden ratio and created this Google Drawing so that you could create your own.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7

A great quick video connection between the number line and ratio tables from @mathletepearce
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

This is not a new concept but the video that @AlexOverwijk posts about falling dominos is followed up with some great shots of student work in the comments to get a sense of the #ThinkingClassroom. Perfect for dealing with exponential functions
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MHF4U

A very "mathie" I love math poster
Curriculum Tags: All

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