
Friday, July 26, 2019

Math Links for Week Ending Jul. 26th, 2019

Featured Links
If you haven't purchased your #mathgals shirt (or even if you have) then you may be interested on who the women are on each shirt. Thanks to @SamJShah2 for pointing this out.
Curriculum Tags: All
Resource Links
I'm a big fan of card sorts and so here is a nice and simple Desmos Card sort for special quadrilaterals from @Giohio
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8
It turns out some of the math that got us to the moon is use to help the logistics of why most planes land on time.
Curriculum Tags: All

This is pretty cool. The idea is that you give students a context for a graph and then ask them to draw what they think the graph will look like before showing them. This TheyDrawIt! authoring tool lets you create the situations. Give it a go
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MDM4U, MAP4U

Some number facts up to 10googol (and beyond) in two blog posts. Thanks to @YaBoiMack for these two.
Curriculum Tags: All

Opinion Links
I have always liked the work of @taylorpeter77 and so I am quite interested to see what comes of this curriculum that he is developing that focusses on creativity and wonder in mathematics. Read about it here.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
Who doesn't love 3D interactive mathematical art?
Curriculum Tags: All
Image Links
Some nice data about Internet usage around the world
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

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