
Friday, January 31, 2020

Math Links for Week Ending January 31st, 2020

Featured Links
I have liked a lot of the stuff that @SteveWybourney produces (my favourite is still Splat!). This year he has produced an e-book of his top 20 teaching tips. Though this is not a resource about mathematics, it does have some great ideas for general classroom practice. I won't give them all away here (you have to sign up at the link below) but I will tell you these are tips in the form of small things that you can do to help your relationships with your students. I will tell you one of my favourites and that is to "Tell a Story". I have had a lot of contact with this idea lately. First I saw it in a book called Weekend Language (recommended to me by @GFletchy) where the premiss is that if you want to give compelling presentations that "stick" then rather than have flashy graphics and dynamic slideshows, all you need are good stories (think: the way that we spend the weekends talking to our friends). Another way that story has come was during a recent interview I did for the @OAMEtalks podcast. I interviewed @RichardVanCamp and he spends the bulk of his time telling stories and we talked about the importance of story in education.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links
A new activity from @Desmos for describing transformations. And at the end there is a challenge creator for students to create their own transformation with a polygon.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Here's a nice dynamic resource from @Brzezinski_Math regarding radian angles and the circle. It's good practice for your students since it generates as many random practice questions as you need.
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

Article Links
Who knew that bees could do math?  Thanks to @KMarkPet for this one
Curriculum Tags: All

Here is the math your students actually need to know now:
"Now that everyone has powerful computers (like that smartphone in your hand), we should teach math as if computers existed.
Now that everyone is an entrepreneur, we should teach financial literacy (make it a graduation requirement like Missouri).
Now that we all use probabilities all day long in life, work, and leisure, we should teach statistics and probability.   
Now that every field is computational, we should invite youth to attack big problems with big data sets (that’s called data science)."
Read more here:
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links
I think it's always important to show kids why math may be important. In this case these two videos show the connection between geometry and welding.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Image Links
Ok so here's an image of data on the squirrels in New York's Central Park. 3100 pieces of data and you can have them all in this download. Plus you can use their dynamic tools to create your own data visualizations.
Curriculum Tags:MDM4U

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