Curriculum Tags: All

Curriculum Tags: MHF4U, MCV4U

thanks to Michael Lieff for this one

Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P
Do you want to get your kids interested in data management? Then you should tell them how much money they might be able to make as a data scientist. I think in past years we might have called it being a statistician but apparently now data scientists are considered "sexy" jobs. And sexy jobs that have salaries that start north of $100K and are at some of the coolest places to work (Apple, Airbnb, Twitter etc). This of course would be no surprise to @HansRosling who sent the following Tweet out in 2011. Thanks to @Mark_Esping for this one.
Curriculum Tags:All
CNN got it wrong; Graphics are not about "How to make data look sexy", but to reveal that data is sexy!— Hans Rosling (@HansRosling) April 20, 2011
This would have been more appropriate during the Christmas Holidays but, hey I just saw this video from @MathyCathy on how to create a fractal based card. I made one and it turns out that it's pretty easy. If you want more ideas you can go to
Curriculum Tags: All
A nice graphic highlighting all of the NHL Stanley Cup winners. Perfect for some data management inferencing (eg "I infer that the Maple Leafs used to be a really good team - until I was born :-) ). Thanks to @mathletepearce for this one
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MDM4U
This is a totally cool animated gif that shows the development of the formula for area of a trapezoid and how it relates to the area of a triangle. So awesome. Thanks to @mathletepearce for this one
Curriculum Tags: Gr7
Yup, and another "Only for geniuses" question on order of operation.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8