Friday, August 26, 2022

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 26th, 2022

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I like this story because it speaks to the idea of perseverance (of students) and understanding (of teachers) and also reminds me that as teachers we can have a huge influence on students and rarely ever know what we may do to cause that influence.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

If you are reading Building Thinking Classrooms then you might like this study guide
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

Although these are "tricks" for sure, you can definitely use them to help students practice mental math or using formulas or order of operations or even working with patterns. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Those conversations (about thinking) are the most important to have in math class. 
Curriculum Tags:All

Surely you can find some geometry connections to building the best paper airplane

Image Links

I am a big fan of tiling and would love for my walls to look like this
Curriculum Tags: All


Friday, August 19, 2022

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 19th, 2022

Featured Links

There is something for everyone here in terms of math content (from elementary all the way to calculus) but really it's about proving stuff. It's too bad that we don't have our old Algebra & Geometry course anymore because this would be perfect for it. However, just the visuals that he produces, alone, are worth the watch. Even the one about the "missing" in the triangle. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

Who doesn't want a mashup of Mathigon and @Fawnpnguyen's Visual Patterns
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MTH1W

Have you been using @Desmos Activity Builder in your classroom then you may want to follow @DesmosClassroom 
Curriculum Tags: All

We have a pizza place near us that will sometimes replace a large pizza with two smalls not realizing that two smalls (even though together they have a total diameter that is bigger than the large) have a smaller area than the large. It's a great problem to pose to students when calculating the area of circles and this site has a nice interactive to go along with that problem
Curriculum Tags: Gr7

Video Links

Who doesn't like moving tessellations?
Curriculum Tags: All

Who knew that repeated powers had a name?
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W

I've always loved this demonstration of the binomial distribution
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
These balls trace out the perimeter of a series of regular figures all with the same side length. The visual is pretty neat. 

Do you need an idea of how to randomize groupings for your Thinking Classroom?
Curriculum Tags: All

Applications of Trig via Tom & Jerry? Well you could have your students check the math
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D, MCF3M, MCR3U

Image Links

Given that we had that nice video of the binomial distribution, it's fitting that XKCD has a cartoon related to it as well. 
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U


Friday, August 12, 2022

Math Links for Week Ending Aug. 12th, 2022

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I have mentioned this workshop series before but because it looks so useful and starts shortly, I thought I would give it a mention one more time
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

This is really interesting. This is the idea that all the figures are poorly drawn so students have to use the other clues (congruent sides, angles etc) to determine, if they were drawn correctly, what type of shape this was. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MTH1W

We've been promoting the benefits of the "Thinking Classroom" for years here but it's always good to hear a new opinion.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

People have trouble with big numbers. Here are some visuals to help with billions and millions.
Curriculum Tags: All

This time Howie gives us some visuals on a few geometric series. 
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U

Image Links

For the last week of #MathPhoto22, the challenge is to find images that combine as many of the previous themes. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, August 5, 2022

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 5th, 2022

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I know that Henri has suggested that his post where he speaks of going full force with technology as "controversial", but I think maybe just for traditionalists. There are whole banks of math teachers that think that math is just about solving equations but I like these two quotes to give you a sense of where he is going: "Many math educators consider the solving of linear equations to be the heart of algebra. The topic is often introduced early, atomized into many special cases (one-step, two-step, etc.), and the subject of endless mind-numbing practice. For many students, this carries little meaning, other than “I’m supposed to get x by itself”" and "But note that of all the conceivable equations, only linear and quadratic equations can be solved with paper and pencil. If exponential, trigonometric, or logarithmic expressions are involved, Algebra 1 techniques are useless." Check it out yourself here
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

If you are doing any work on working with equations (Eg, subbing values in) then this equation about measuring "good value" might be a great conversation starter too. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MTH1W

Video Links

If you are doing any work with area of quadrilaterals then this might be a great problem to work on and if you want to get kids started, here is a triangle only version using Desmos Geometry.
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MTH1W

Image Links

Week 8 of #MathPhoto22 is all about #angles
Curriculum Tags: All