Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
Thanks to Liz Darocy for reminding me of the WSHS Rap video collection. Here is the latest instalment on graphing y = mx + b
Be sure to check out their other videos on their youtube channel
Curriculum Tags: MFM1D, MPM2P
Comparing incandescent to compact fluorescent bulbs gives a nice activity for systems of equations. Check it out here.
Curriculum Tags: MFM2D, MPM2P
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
Even more stuff for Data Management. I like this simple twist on the outcomes when rolling two standard dice. This time with non standard faces.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
I thought it would be nice to have a category that highlighted a particularly good discussion on something in the math world of relevance. This first one comes from Dan Meyer comparing doing math practice to training for wrestling (or any sport of your choice). There are opinions all over the block here starting with Dan's favourite whipping boy Sal Khan.
Curriculum Tags: All
Here is a nice commercial from Prudential that will help show the idea of what a dot plot is.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
Some humorous pix here. Some you may have seen before. I have not seen the Kitten series before this though.
Curriculum Tags: All
Baseball season has started and what is baseball season without some stats on salaries. Here is a nice infographic of all of Major League Baseball. For a more interactive version of this check out Ben Fry's work. Here is his 2005 analysis (don't forget to move the slider to get the full effect). And don't forget to click to get the next few years analysis (up to 2010)
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U
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