Curriculum Tags: MFM1P
I thought this was neat. A Teacher asks students to create a problem. The student creates one that has to do with Starwars. The dad posts the problem on Facebook and it somehow gets to JJ Abrams (the director of the current series) and he responds with a problem of his own. It really does speak to the power of the Internet and social media. Thanks to Mark Esping for this one.
Curriculum Tags: All
I am starting to clean up my Geometer's Sketchpad files. I have a bunch of sketches that I am slowing moving over so they are iPad compatible. Here is the first one. It's a practice file for determining the distance between two points. You can download it at the link below and see how it works with this video.
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D
I like activities that take the more mundane aspects of math and pimp them up a bit. And you can always count on Julie at I Speak Math to do the "pimpin". In this one its all the parallel line properties. I like the part about putting the lines on the floor and especially the Dance Dance Transversal video.
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P
Curriculum Tags: MPM1P
I have always thought that playing games was good for numeracy. Whether it is rolling dice or something like guessing. It's all good for helping students become numerate.
Curriculum Tags: All
Curriculum Tags: All
In preparation for Pi Day Next year (March 14, 2015 will be 3.14.15) here is a new video from Numberphile where they literally create a mile of Pi. That's a million digits (spoiler alert, the last digit is 1). Actually they didn't do it because of Pi Day but because they have surpassed 1 million subscribers on their YouTube channel. That is pretty cool. This video has everything. Fun Pi facts, interesting number sequences, Feynman points, quad copters, you name it. And if you want a fraction of that mile then you might try printing the first 1000 digits here.
Curriculum Tags: Gr8, MCR3U, MCF3M, MHF4U
Math Art that is 3D Printed. Enough Said
Curriculum Tags: All
And a couple of videos from Tap Into Teen Minds on maximizing area
Curriculum Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P Tags: MPM1D, MFM1P
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MBF3C, MAP4C, MDM4D
Number 11 (answer)
Number 12 (answer)