Friday, June 25, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jun. 25th, 2021

Featured Links

Last week @JRappaport27 was doing some crowdsourcing with assessment: "Going to be supporting a group of educators (elementary and secondary) teaching summer school. Assessment practices will be an area of focus, so I've been playing around with a journal template for Ss use that will document their learning journey." It was interesting to see the iterations that he went through given the feed back he got. Note that in the last two iterations, the link to the Google Docs:
Curriculum Tags: All





Resource Links

Though this is an older post from @MarkChubb3, I think it a great companion to any class. It came out of the discussion of the assessment work above and you should definitely take a look at it to get a whole pile of questions you can ask after a lesson. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

I love the way that conic sections are related to each other in odd ways. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Some mathematical art for ya'll
Curriculum Tags: All

Featured Links

It's crazy all of the ways that Pi shows up where the circle isn't around (at least obviously)
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

I think this is so cool. Something to have your kids verify as a math starter. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8

Friday, June 18, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jun. 18th, 2021

Featured Links

Lot's of talk about Ontario's new destreamed Gr9 Math Curriculum. So I thought I would share this summary from @MakeMathMoments which includes this really informative video from @Jason_To on the history of streaming in Ontario. Even if you are not interested in the upcoming Gr9 destreaming, the video is pretty interesting. You should also check out the panel discussion from OAME that Kyle and John hosted with @Jason_To, @Pi_lab, @HKhodai and @MarkChubb3
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

I wasn't sure that I was interested in Taxicab problems but when I saw slide 9, I changed my mind. This really could be suitable for all grades. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

This is part of a five video series from @YRDSB but (of course) I like this one the most. 5 Barriers in Math We Need to Disrupt and Dismantle. Be sure to click the link in the description to see the other videos. Thanks to @RoyanLee for pointing this one out.  
Curriculum Tags: All

What if Ada Lovelace was a superhero? @OnlineKyne seems to know.
Curriculum Tags: All
I am not a fan of math "tricks" and I suspect neither is @Howie_Hua but that doesn't stop him from posting these TikTok videos of why math tricks work. That's where the important stuff is, not the trick itself but why it works. So watch his videos and then recreate them in your classes 
Curriculum Tags: ALL


Image Links

I really think you can use this sort of thing as a math starter in class, in just about any grade where they know what a prime number is. It really is a beautiful result. 
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MTH1W

Math nerds definitely do it better
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, June 11, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jun. 11, 2021

Featured Links

Welp it's here. The new Ontario Gr9 math curriculum. Well the rational and the expectations at least. The supports are still being written. But you can check out the new expectations and the new strands (they follow more closely from elementary) on the Ministry's new digital site. There are also videos and supports for the change to destreamed. Of course if you just want to get to the expectations directly, go here. And don't forget the docs about what the changes are and the alignment with grade 7&8 in the resources section.
Curriculum Tags: MTN1W (note the new course code)

Resource Links

One of the nice things about being part of the online math community is how people share. In this case, @GLewisOCT has created some great supports for the new math curriculum including a nice checklist and compact version of the expectations. 
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W

Looking for some things to read this summer? Many of these I've mentioned before but it's nice to see them all in one place.
Curriculum Tags: All
Are you looking to do some playful math? Look no further than this post. It is chock full and you can learn to create a blog carnival to boot. 
Curriculum Tags:All

Who can't use a good dice game
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8
And here's another 
And here is @MSBJacobs PolyPad version
Curriculum Tags:Gr7, Gr8
And speaking of Mathigon, they now have added all of the irregular pentagons that tessellate. 
Curriculum Tags:All
And if you need something to do in the last 20 days of math for gr 1-8 then @SCDSBMath has your back
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

Some mathematical philosophy from @Veritasium
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

Data is everywhere
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Friday, June 4, 2021

Math Links for Week Ending Jun. 4th, 2021

Featured Links

If you have not seen @NatBanting's #MenuMath activities, I strongly suggest you head over to his archive here. And if you have, then you will love that @PattyStephens has complied some Desmos versions in a collection. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

I like the idea of students translating algebraic expressions into sentences (We've created our own activities here and here). You would think, however, that by posting a bunch of expressions/equations around the room and have students write down sentences to represent them might not lead to much variance from students as they rotate through. But it turns out that might be wrong. Check out @MathEqualsLove's post to see:
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MPM1D, MFM1P

Opinion Links

Helping students absorb various concepts in math class is can be achieved by making sure that multiple approaches are used. In this post, @MrValencia24 outlines reasons to use multiple approaches in the context of a quadratic inequality.
Curriculum Tags: MHF4U

Article Links

I definitely think that Euler's identity is beautiful but does @ProfKiethDevlin? 
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

Who doesn't like a good debate about whether math was invented or discovered. In this case it's from Kira Miller via @TomRocksMaths
Curriculum Tags: All

Who doesn't love a good 3D Seipinski's triangle
Curriculum Tag: All

Image Links

Can't get enough of Geometric Art
Curriculum Tags: All

You've probably heard of the Golden Ratio but have you heard of the Plastic Number?
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U, MHF4U