Friday, August 30, 2024

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 30, 2024

Featured Links

I love it people make quality stuff and then share it freely. This is perfect for your Ontario Elementary Math needs
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

So many examples in the comments
Curriculum Tags: MAP4C, MDM4U

Video Links

I like how @Howie_Hua gives us insight into how he starts his courses
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

If you are dealing with roots then this calculation might be fun for students to try
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, August 23, 2024

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 23rd, 2024

Featured Links

Throughout the year @MathsJem likes to highlight some of her favourite resource finds (much like I do here). In this post, she highlights some of here favourites from the year. And although there are some British centric ones, math is math. Take a look. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

For many of us the beginning of the year looms, for others, it has already started. And whether you are at the beginning of the year or somewhere in the middle, having an engaging starter is always helpful. 
Curriculum Tags: All

If you ask me, you can never have too many digital manipulatives
Curriculum Tags: All 

If you have the OG TI-84s in your classes, then this is a great compendium of stuff to help you out
Curriculum Tags: All 

Video Links

I have heard @Howie_Hua mention this tweak before and I think it's a nice adjustment for any teacher in any subject
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For some reason I couldn't stop watching this
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

I see you 7x8
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Hey, there is no Canadian cuisine? What about poutine or beaver tails?
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Friday, August 16, 2024

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 16th, 2024

Featured Links

I think this may be much more inclusive way to think about running a math class. That is, make your math classes welcoming and challenging rather than easy or hard.
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

As a former math department head, it's good to see something that might help a new department head 
Curriculum Tags: All

New! A post about being a Head of Maths (the good bits and the challenges). Aimed at teachers who are stepping up to a HoD role for the first time in September.

[image or embed]

— Jo Morgan ( Aug 10, 2024 at 12:56 PM
I love the fact that the verb "tinker" appears here.
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

A fun (and tasty) geometric series
Curriculum Tags: MCR3U

Image Links

Ya gotta love those 21st Century Pattern Blocks
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, August 9, 2024

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 9th, 2024

Featured Links

As a triathlete I know all to well about how it is faster to swim efficiently than by brute strength. It turns out that there is a lot of math, data and physics used to help Olympic athletes reach their potential. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

This activity is basically about giving students multiple prompts (one at time) under the premiss "oops I forgot to tell you this about that thing I just said....". There are several examples here plus a much more extensive description on how to pull it off. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

Two activities that @Howie_Hua uses with his classes on day one. One more mathematical and one more esoteric. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

I'm not sure that it's the toughest problem but it still makes your student's think, especially if using equations. 
Curriculum Tags: MPM2D

This seems like a very accessible starter that you could do on multiple levels
Curriculum Tags: All

As someone who has a mathematical tattoo, I get this
Curriculum Tags: All

Friday, August 2, 2024

Math Links for Week Ending Aug. 2

Featured Links

It's never too early to start getting ready for Pi Day. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

Get your latest (retro) set of calendar problems here:
Curriculum Tags: All

I bet the average person would have difficulty with the way this store sets up this series of discounts but the math works and this is a real example of where you successive percent discounts that have to equal a specific individual discount. 
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W

Are you using Thinking Classroom's in your class? Wondering about how to assess if using it? Then @TimBrzezinski and @mccainm are speaking a lot about practical ways to do so . Here are some updated resources on the website  (including a digital dynamic rubric). And check out the video below for a longer form description.

Video Links

Here are @TimBrzezinski and @mccainm speaking with a webinar on assessing with Thinking Classrooms.
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

Here's a great exercise when dealing with percent (and to check if the values are actually correct).
Curriculum Tags: Gr7, Gr8, MTH1W

I will never miss an opportunity to like a different representation of the difference between accuracy and precision.
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

So many memes about this Turkish target shooter
Curriculum Tags: All