Friday, August 23, 2024

Math Links for Week Ending Aug 23rd, 2024

Featured Links

Throughout the year @MathsJem likes to highlight some of her favourite resource finds (much like I do here). In this post, she highlights some of here favourites from the year. And although there are some British centric ones, math is math. Take a look. 
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

For many of us the beginning of the year looms, for others, it has already started. And whether you are at the beginning of the year or somewhere in the middle, having an engaging starter is always helpful. 
Curriculum Tags: All

If you ask me, you can never have too many digital manipulatives
Curriculum Tags: All 

If you have the OG TI-84s in your classes, then this is a great compendium of stuff to help you out
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Video Links

I have heard @Howie_Hua mention this tweak before and I think it's a nice adjustment for any teacher in any subject
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For some reason I couldn't stop watching this
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Image Links

I see you 7x8
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

Hey, there is no Canadian cuisine? What about poutine or beaver tails?
Curriculum Tags: MDM4U

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