Friday, September 6, 2024

Math Links for Week Ending Sept 6th, 2024

Featured Links

The podcast I host is starting it's 7th season and the first episode features @Sig225 talking about the new Ontario centric chatbot, ChatOAME. Listen to the podcast to get a preview and then sign up for the FREE webinar on Wednesday Sept 11th
Curriculum Tags: All

Resource Links

More classic NCTM calendar problems from @KarenCampe
Curriculum Tags: All

@Jason_To has been doing destreaming for years but these are good ideas for any class
Curriculum Tags: All

@JamesTanton continues to treat us with pages from his book as he builds it
Curriculum Tags: All

Video Links

Who doesn't like a real world calculus problem?
Curriculum Tags: MCV4U

I have to think that he didn't get his fingers right the first time he tried this
Curriculum Tags: All

Image Links

This problem may seem tricky but it can be used to show the power of algebra and equations.
Curriculum Tags: MTH1W

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